ZK 586 EN Special Instruments for pelvic floor surgery

Piraña Cut, laparoscopic multifunctional instrument, 1:2 teeth, double-action, Ø 5 mm, dismountable, complete, consisting of a handle, a tube and a jaw insert Jaw insert, only Length Instrument, complette Ordering No. Ordering No. RS000-595 330 mm RS115-595 RS135-595 RS225-595 RS000-795 450 mm RS117-795 RS137-795 RS227-795 Handle, only Ordering No. RS110-000 RS130-000 RS220-000 5 mm RUDOLF SYSTEM Instruments (SCREW-IN) three-part, rotatable and dismountable, consisting of a handle, a tube and a jaw insert. The instrument is used, for example, in laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy. This procedure is a proven surgical procedure to securely fix the vagina or portio to the ligamentum anterius vertebrae using a mesh implant. Thanks to its multifunctionality, the instrument can reduce the number of instrument changes that would otherwise be necessary during surgery. This can therefore contribute to minimize the loss of CO 2 .